Urgent help needed - for Daarul Hikmah New York
Assalaamu Alaikum! আসসালামু আলাইকুম!
✩ Brothers and Sisters, we are back to physical Classes at Daarul Hikmah New York. Please enroll your kids in the Weekend/After Islamic classes and more.
✩ সম্মানিত পিতা-মাতা ও অভিভাবকগণ, দারুল হিকমাহ নিউ ইয়র্ক এর উদ্যোগ অনলাইন/ফিজিক্যাল ভিত্তিক সামার দারুল কিরাত ইসলামিক ক্লাস এবং অন্যান্য সকল ইসলামিক ক্লাসে ভর্তি চলছে, এতে অনলাইনে ফরম ফিলাপ করার মাধ্যমে ভর্তির জন্য অনুরোধ করা যাচ্ছে।

Our vision
Every Islamic institution has some historical connection with a great personality or vision. We have set out on this journey with a clear goal in mind. To nurture, educate and enlighten the youth growing in this fast-paced digital world.
Respected Brothers and Sisters in Islam,
As community members you are all aware of your surroundings, the cultural changes over the last couple of decades have been drastic. It is much harder to teach children Islam without feeling helpless. We at Gawsiah Darul Sunnah want to help you with your endeavors of providing Islamic education to your kids. However, we need your help in providing this valuable resource to our current and future generations.
We aspire to teach our students everything necessary for them to be successful in this day and age. It is a fast-paced world and we the Muslim community need to learn to adapt to it while wearing our Iman proudly and with high regard. We at Daarul Hikmah New York will be implementing everything that is required by the NYS Board of Education and while also providing Hifz and Academic courses. We aim to teach children at all grade levels. We will strive to be there to guide your children and help them become successful human beings on this earth and the life after. All this will be possible with your assistance. Please donate generously to the cause, may Allah SWT give us all abundance in our future ambitions. Your support and involvement are crucial to making this initiative into what we imagine it to be.
The Purpose of the Madrasah In The Community
Building a Madrasah is a prophetic and Islamic tradition of Muslim communities. One of the first projects that Prophet ﷺ completed when he entered Madinah is to build the Masjid-e-Quba in which he taught the religion of Islam in groups to his followers. Subsequently, wherever the Muslims have gone, they have built a Masjid and Madrasah for their needs in their community.
Allah ﷻ has blessed the Muslims with the greatest knowledge of all knowledge, their deen. To pass on this knowledge, Muslims all over the world have created Islamic schools (madrasah) in their communities. The madrasah system is a reward from Allah ﷻ, Islamic history, Adab, Akhlaaq, Hadith, Tafseer, Fiqh, Islamic rulings are taught there. Madrasahs have educated us and have saved many from becoming neglectful of their faith. Indebted we are to the efforts of our pious predecessors who have sustained this tradition over so many centuries.
Islamic education is the most important gift that parents can give to their children; it is an asset that only enhances in value if it is put into practice as the years go by and as they face the trials and tribulations of life.